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Carlos Alberto Dussan Luberth, MD, PhD

Senior consultant (Linköping, Sweden) 35 years of experience Doctor Carlos A. Dussan Luberth is an experienced General Surgeon and Breast cancer specialist (Senologist) with more than 30 years of clinical experience. His main areas of expertise are the surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases, mostly breast cancer of any stage with oncoplastic, breast saving and reconstructive surgical techniques, including axillary staging.
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є
Kategórie: ,

MUDr. Peter Glesk

Head of department (Gravdal, Norway) 25 rokov praxe Doktor Peter Glesk je skúsený chirurg s viac ako 20 ročnou praxou. Jeho hlavným zameraním je všeobecná brušná chirurgia, cievna a úrazová chirurgia. V tejto oblasti sa špecializuje najmä na manažment pacientov s ochoreniami žlčníka, brušných a inguinálnych hernií, žilového systému dolných končatín a akútny manažment pacientov s polytraumou.
  • Prvá konzultácia: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є

Tadas Ramanauskas, MD

Senior consultant (Narvik, Norway) 19 years of experience Doctor tadas Ramanauskas is an experienced general surgeon with more than 18 years of clinical experience. His main areas of expertise are the surgical treatment of any hernias, diseases of bile duct system, special obesity surgery, and pancreatic, liver, gastric and bowels cancer surgery followed by complex palliative treatment.
  • First consultation: 150 Є
  • Follow up: 130 Є