Prof. MUDr. Miroslav Durila, PhD

200,00  30 minutes

Senior consultant (Prague, Czech republic)

17 years of experience

Professor Miroslav Durila is a renowned anesthesiologist, intensivist and emergency physician with more than 15 years of experience. His main expert focus is the management of critical conditions in emergency medicine and resuscitation, as well as the issue of hemostasis in critical conditions in children and adults.

  • First consultation: 200 Є
  • Follow up: 170 Є


Professional profile

Professor Miroslav Durila is a recognized and renowned specialist with experience from many foreign positions. He completed several short and longer internships abroad, where he gained experience in the field of research as well as clinical practice, namely in the field of point of care (POC) in the use of hemocoagulation methods ROTEM (Rotary Thromboelastometry), PFA 200 (platelet function analyzer), ROTEM-platelet and Multiplate (aggregometry) in the clinics of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive medicine, as well as in the clinic of thoracic surgery and lung and heart transplantation. Prof. Durila is not only an excellent clinician, but also successfully engages in the education of medical students and scientific activity in his field. The result of this work was the acquisition of the title of professor as at the time the youngest professor in the field within the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Since 2012, he has completed a total of 6 humanitarian missions in developing countries and countries with war conflict with the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders, where he worked as an anesthesiologist and intensivist. On missions, he was dedicated to patient care and education of local medical personnel. He also devoted himself to the use of ultrasound as a “point of care” method in critically ill pediatric and adult patients.

He completed several foreign and domestic specialized courses, where he gained knowledge that he applies in his practice as a doctor in the field of Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care medicine, as well as a counselor in the emergency department.

Work experience

Air Ambulance Service of the Capital City of Prague, doctor, Prague, Czech Republic

Clinic of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive medicine, 2. LF UK and FN Motol, Prague, Czech Republic

Central Bohemian Rescue Service – Příbram, Czech Republic

Rescue service ASČR – Prague west

Humanitarian organization Medecins Sans Frontieres, South Sudan

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Boundaries (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Yemen

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Boundaries (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Central Africa – CHAD

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Boundaries (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Papua New Guinea

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Boundaries (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Syria

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Boundaries (Medecins Sans Frontieres), Kunduz, Afghanistan


2012 – Specialization – Anesthesiology and intensive care medicine

2015 – Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) (London, UK)

2016 – World Interactive Network Focused On Critical Ultrasound (Winfocus)- chocardiography in critical care (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

2018 – International Diploma in ECMO and Temporary Respiratory/Circulatory Support, Institute of Cardiology, La Pitié hospital, Paris, Sorbon, France)

2019 – Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department Resuscitative Thoracotomy (Liverpool, UK)

2019 – European Traumatology Course (Hall/Innsbruck, Austria)

1998 – Secondary Medical School, Košice, SR

2006 – General Medicine “MUDr“, Jesseni’s Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Martin

2011 – Scientific title “PhD” – Topic: The use of thromboelastography in the evaluation of hemocoagulation in patients in the intensive care unit

2017 – Scientific and pedagogical title “Docent” in the field of Anesthesiology and resuscitation

2021 – Scientific and pedagogical title “Professor” in the field of Anesthesiology and intensive care medicine

Internship stays

2018 – Lung and Heart Transplantation Clinic, Hannover, Germany

2015 – Klinik für Anaesthesiologie Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany

2014 – Klinik für Allgemeine und Chirurgische Intensivmedizin, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Austria

2013 – Service d’anesthésiologie, University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland

2009 – Critical Care Unit, Pro-Cardiaco Hospitál, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil

Membership in professional societies and councils

Czech Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine (ČSARIM)

Czech Society of Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine (SUP ČLS)

Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyne (ČLS JEP)

Membership in editorial boards of magazines


Scientific research activity

Hirsh-Index: 9

International publications: 30
(Pubmed Library, USA;

Number of citations: 224
(Scopus database:

Pedagogical activity

2012 – ongoing, 2. LF UK and FN Motol, Charles University, Prague (assistant, assistant professor, docent, professor)

Number of educated doctoral students: 2 (tutor for 3 in the current study)


Active: Slovak, Czech, English

Passive: Polish

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