+421 903 725 972

Two heads are better than one

Get an independent professional opinion or consultation from our doctors with long-term experience and wide expertise

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Transparent price list

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Digital communication

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100% data protection

Selection of a specialist by category



Click on the «Our doctors» tab and look for a doctor in the list of specialists who specializes in your health problem and can therefore help you with it.

Describe your condition

After choosing a specialist, you choose the desired service (you can choose between a telephone consultation, a video consultation or a written opinion) and the date of the consultation.

Get an opinion, a consultation, or report

After choosing a specialist, you choose the desired service (you can choose between a telephone consultation, a video consultation or a written opinion) and the date of the consultation.

Video consultation

The call will be scheduled via the Zoom application. For the call to function properly, please install the Zoom application on your smartphone or PC.


The “Follow-up” service represents the resolution of the client’s condition (situation) in the event that such a need and interest of the client arises after the primary consultation.

What our patients say about us

Lill-Hege Strand

Hello, dear Pavol, I would like to thank you so sincerely for seeing me and taking me seriously when I came to you with my problems. If it wasn't for your intervention, I think I would still be standing in an endless line for health care. Unfortunately, in the past I did not receive much understanding from doctors. As a result, I sometimes gave up and suffered in silence.

Ing. Viera Schlosserová

I would like to thank Prof. Pavlov Žubor, PhD., Dr.Sc., MBA for his highly erudite approach to the examination and diagnosis of health problems related to my illness. At the same time, I want to thank the professor for determining the treatment after the operation, including consultations with another medical facility for its administration. Familiarizing myself with the method of surgery and treatment helped me - as a patient - better cope with my diagnosis and follow the prescribed treatment procedures, which is a great encouragement and hope for recovery for the patient. Many thanks for your willingness to help at any time!

Renáta de Buhrová

Dear Professor Žubor. In this way, I would like to express my extreme satisfaction, thanks and admiration for your professionally done work and human approach, during both my operations and consultations on subsequent treatment. Since the operations, my quality of life has increased and I have no health complications. Thank you.
Renáta de Buhrová


Objednávanie je veľmi jednoduché. Môžete tak urobiť 24 hodín denne na našej webovej stránke a vybrať si jeden zo širokej ponuky dostupných termínov.
Každá služba v ponuke (na výber máte telefonickú konzultáciu, videokonzultáciu alebo písomný posudok) má pri danom špecialistovi uvedenú svoju cenu.
Všetci naši špecialisti sú zoskupení v záložke «Naši doktori» podľa svojej špecializácie pre jednoduchú orientáciu a uľahčenie oslovenia odborníka vhodného pre váš konkrétny zdravotný problém.
Na našej stránke vypĺňate informácie o svojich zdravotných problémoch online vrátane poskytnutia zdravotných správ a výsledkov vyšetrení v digitálnej forme. Vypracovaný písomný posudok vám zasielame v elektronickej podobe.
Všetka komunikácia ohľadom vášho zdravotného stavu je u nás bezpečne uložená a spätne dostupná v prípade ďalšej potreby.
Vaše osobné údaje sú u nás v plnom bezpečí. Dohliadame nad ich spracovaním a využívaním v súlade s platnými nariadeniami.